Friday, July 29, 2011

Do you have him in your life???

  • God can only transform your life if you lay it in His hands. Not much will change if you refuse to surrender to His will for your life
  • God knows your own heart ALOT better than you do. So if He says left, turn left. If He says right, turn right. Trust His direction!
  • Be selfless. Love and serve others. If someone you know needs help or guidance, lead them to Christ. He'll take care of the rest
  • There's nothing more precious to God than a selfless heart. One that is willing to cross an entire ocean for another's well being
  • "Dear friends,if God loved us that much we also should love each other" 1 John 4:11
  • If you're hope has consistently been shot down: You should check who/what you've put you're hope in. Christ never fails nor forsakes.

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