Friday, January 27, 2012

the healing power of juicing

Natural Healing with Vegetable JuiceOur bodies are designed to thrive on raw vegetables. Cooking foods so destroys the nutritional values that we develop many deficiency disease as a result. Fortunately, our health can be largely restored by taking into our bodies the concentrated nutritional power of fresh vegetable juices. You need not worry about fiber. More than enough fiber is present in vegetable juices than is required to keep our systems operating well.

This vegetable can be difficult to cultivate, but once established the beds can produce for hundreds of years. Asparagus is rich in asparagine, an amino acid that is destroyed by cooking. It is an excellent inclusion in fresh vegetable juices. It is a mild diuretic.
Beets are high in vitamins and minerals and are excellent for strengthening the gall bladder and building blood. The tops are excellent salad greens. Beet juice is very strong and should be drunk only blended into other vegetable juices and not drunk alone.
Broccoli is the immature head of a flower, picked before blooming. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and also protein.
Brussels SproutsBrussels Sprouts is similar to Broccoli in its food value
Raw cabbage provides a rich source of vitamins and minerals as well as sulfur compounds. Drink cabbage juice within a minute as the essential elements immediately begin to oxidize. Use it in a mixture of vegetable juice. Do not store this juice. Juice it last and drink it fresh from the juicer.
Carrots are, perhaps, the most valuable vegetable for juicing because of their healing properties. It is the usual base to which other juices are added. Although it has a high sugar content, the blend of ingredients in carrot juice cannot be excelled for balanced nutrition.
CeleryCelery is high in minerals and is a significant source for magnesium. It does not stand alone as a palatable juice for drinking, but it is an excellent flavor enhancer for other juices. Chopping the celery stalks into short pieces will help to prevent the long celery strings from clogging the juicer. Be sure to juice the leaves as well..
Cucumbers are an excellent addition to a mix of vegetables for juicing. They are high in potassium and contain other minerals as well.
CollardsCollards are rich in calcium and are high in vitamin A and iron.
Fennel adds its own distinctive sweet taste to vegetable juice and has the nutritional qualities of celery.
Garlic promotes enzyme action and adds its own distinctive taste to vegetable juices.
Ginger Root
The distinctive flavor of ginger is a welcome addition to the palate of flavors available to enhance vegetable juices. Use it sparingly until you are aware of the character that it adds to the juice.
Kale is in the cabbage family with similar nutritional qualities.
LettuceThere are many varieties of lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is widely available because it is easy to grow and has a good shelf life. However, it is almost worthless as food. Look for the dark leafed varieties. Romaine is a good choice. It juices well, but it has a very short shelf life.
OnionsOnions come in a variety of sizes and attributes. Some are very strong flavored and others are sweet and mild. Green onions may also be juiced, adding their own ‘onion’ character to the drink.
Parsley helps to reduce the strong odor and flavor of garlic and is an excellent source of chlorophyl. Juice it with other vegetables in order to prevent clogging the juicer with the dense pulp that forms when it is juiced alone.
PeppersPeppers come in a wide variety of colors and flavors from sweet to very hot. If a milder juice is desired, remove the seeds before juicing,
RadishesRed radishes may be hot or mild. The white ones are mild. They provide an interesting variation of flavor.
SpinachSpinach juice is very mellowing to a strong flavored mix of vegetable juices. It is rich in minerals and vitamins.
Sweet PotatoSweet potatoes are a good source of beta carotene and when juiced with carrots, provide a very nice variation of flavor.

Raw Juicing also delivers another important group of nutrients, known as enzymes. Enzymes are your body's workers. Acting as catalysts thousands of chemical reactions that take place throughout the body, enzymes are crucial for digestion and absorption of food, for conversion of foods into body tissue, and for the making of energy on a cellular level. In fact, enzymes are important for most of the metabolic activities happening in your body every moment of the day.
Fresh juices are a remarkable source of enzymes. In fact, the "freshness" of juice is one of their key features, because enzymes are destroyed by heat. When you consume cooked foods, whether its meal, grains, fruits, or the heat has destroyed vegetables, if the food is cooked at temperatures above 114 degrees, the enzymes. Since fruits and vegetables are juiced raw, the enzymes are still workable when you drink the juice.

I cant wait to start this so Happy about the outcome I will  capture it all so make sure you check out my youtube channel - Be Blessed!

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