Sunday, August 28, 2011

Michael Jackson Happy B-day to you THE KING!!!

You are so MISSED your fans are keeping you in there hearts! thinking of the day you lefted us I was shocked when everything happen and felt so very very sad It didnt hit me until after " This is It" came out on DVD and i was up one late night and at the end your song was playing and I just lost it! people had and still have so much to say about you I pray that you are at PEACE.. And you have that big bright smile =) you are the BEST AND STILL THE KING.

UPDATE ON THE CASE: A judge, declaring his faith in the honesty of jurors, refused Thursday to order sequestration for those who will serve in the high profile involuntary manslaughter trial of the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death.
"Jurors want to do the right thing," Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor told lawyers. He said those who serve in the case of Dr. Conrad Murray will be making tremendous sacrifices and locking them up would be cruel.
He said studies have shown that sequestered jurors often describe themselves as feeling like inmates.
"Jurors have lives," Pastor said. "We remove them from their lives in these horrific economic times."
Pastor said he was confident that jurors would follow his instructions to avoid exposure to publicity, but he rebuffed a defense argument that he rescind a decision to televise the trial. Defense attorney Ed Chernoff said the television coverage would feed an army of commentators who would supply their own interpretation of what went on in court.
Chernoff, referring to widespread media coverage of the Casey Anthony trial, called the commentary "a problem."
"Is the problem you're referring to the exercise of the First Amendment?" asked the judge. He added, "I decline, at this point, to amend my ruling. The First Amendment is one of our most cherished principles and the right to comment is part of that."
"I have more faith and respect for jurors than others do," Pastor said.
Pastor, who had said earlier that the county could not afford to sequester jurors, said the money was not the deciding factor.
"The issue of cost is not the overriding consideration," he said. "Justice trumps everything."
If sequestration was warranted, he said, he would have ordered it even though the cost would exceed half-a-million dollars.
"If this was a close call, I would order sequestration regardless of cost," he said. "It is not a close call."
Murray's attorneys had argued that sequestration was the only way to ensure a fair trial.

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