Sunday, July 17, 2011

Well Casey Anothony is out of Jail My thought's

If you have not heard Casey is out of jail and on a private jet heading somewhere to start her new life alot of people are still very upset with how everything went down and that NO JUSTICE was served for BABY CAYLEE I can't lie I was in shock for a few day's trying to think "wow is this really happing?" Did I miss something? I been glued to this case since day one and still can't understand what happen like i said before in my other blog "Do we now just forget about this little girl?" Who protects the children?. To me I really feel that no matter where she goes she will be known I think she will change her name her look and try to have more children and make as much money as she can so that she really lives "The Beautiful Life" But i do wonder does she ever think about her baby? See her baby in her dream's? Or has she just blocked her out? People will alway's wonder what really happen to this baby girl But like someone said death was too good for casey life will fuck her good & she has to live with herself KARMA IS A BITCH..

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