Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Caylee get's No Justice! Still in a state of SHOCK!

Today is July,6, 2011 and I'm sure everyone know's the outcome of the Casey Anthony Trial It is now worldwide! I had just got home from a Funeral so my mood was already very SAD, got home just in time for the verdict and thought for sure that it would read Guilty well it didn't go like that at all!! Shock is not even the world I was or the people in my household more pissed then ANYTHING! :Trauma/Confusion/Breakdown are the words I would use Then to find her guilty for giving false information to the police was a STAB in the HEART!. My Twitter Timeline was going Crazy! Facebook was in an uproar there were those who were HAPPY not a lot but a few, I was in a state of shock!! WHERE IS THE JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE????? DO WE NOW JUST FORGET?? WHAT MORE DID THE STATE HAVE TO PROVE??? I feel so hurt in my heart This baby didn't harm nobody PURE INNOCENT "A lot of people are saying deal with it & move on" But how can you do this when it's a child. This case has touched everyone's HEART'S! The only person that can judge her is the man above, The Juror's to me made the wrong choice & I think a lot of people feel that way... Is she the new "OJ" I think this is far from over

1 comment:

  1. NOT GUILTY!!! You have got to be SHITTIN' me. That B**** deserves the same outcome that she gave her baby.

    I will never be able to think about Lil Caylee and not think about what her OWN MOTHER did to her.

    That lil baby Caylee will never be able to have her own babies and know what it's like to be a real woman. She will never be able to go to school, go to College, have a boyfriend, or friends for that matter. She will never have the life she should have been able to live. Thanks to the ONE person who should have protected her from everything and anyone.

    The verdict she got is not FAIR to that baby. She know she harmed her daughter. Now she gets to walk free, while Caylee is gone.


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