Thursday, June 30, 2011

Casey Anthony Defense Rest... My thoughts

So much has been said, Been watching the Trial since day 1 & sometimes watching I felt like both sides really forgot the reason why they were there which is for Baby Caylee But feel like they made a good case showing that Casey is a liar they hit her where it hurts. On the other hand i think Jose Baez is a cocky lawyer who didn't have his facts right often times just rude I feel like he doesn't really care about this So-Called Mother which i hate to use the word "Mother" Jose Baez is milking this meaning, this is a high profiled case on T.V he wasn't really that big of a Lawyer I mean Did you know who he was? The defense says that her father did sexual things to her and that messed her up.. and her brother touched her My thing is if that is true what does that have to do with you killing your child? How does that help the fact you didn't report you baby missing after she was already missing for 31 days?? how does it help that you were out clubbing & shopping? How does it help that you lied about the nanny? How does it help that you lied about a job you didn't have?

Throughout the Trial she has shown no emotion for her child, She has only cried for herself and when her brother Lee talked I feel that her lawyer told her to be the best actress she could be and she did at times. She also has shown she is a Heart-Less person who is very capable of taking a life She looked real evil at times, Stoned Face just pure evil is what keep's coming to my mind, To say her baby drowned and it was a accident but you did nothing about it She didn't call 911 or even attempt CPR so to me that Show's a sign of you Casey are guilty!

Casey to me, Probably thought she would never get caught she has lied so many times to everyone she didn't think she would end up in jail or on trial That's why people should not lie because you have to tell another lie to cover up another lie, To blame her Father I really don't know what to think.. about that because the jailhouse video show something total different I would think she would do that to her mother since they have such an up & down relationship But she might think her family blame's her for the death of there grandchild and trying to get them back is all i can think of..So bringing this blog to an end Lets not forget who is the real victim really is Baby Caylee she needs justice and Praying that the courts see that...

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